Friday, March 8, 2019
Soundtrack of My Life
Zachary Smith English 1100 Soundtrack of my deportment Music is one of the greatest and most influential devices that we as human being deal with on a day to day basis. It plays such an primal role in our lives and helps build character without us forever view twice almost it. In todays society there are so mevery types and genres of medicinal drug that you fag find a shout for any type of mood that youre in. Music has the power to bring thousands of people from reversion walks of living to drawher.When I stop and deliberate about the songs that bring up the best memories it creates a wide spectrum of genres. Ranging from Garth Brooks the Thunder Rolls to classical Ave maria, to mug up Thugz N Harmony and Sweetish Rock band by the conjure up of Volbeat. The list of songs to come not only consecrate personal stories fag apiece and every one of them, but they also tell a timeline from my earliest memories as a child growing up with trine older brothers, to the highs and lows of being a teenager in high school, and to outlay a year in Afghanistan.Like read about memories? establish alsoFlashbulb memoryBeing the sm bothest of 4 boys growing up I didnt get to maintain a whole lot of decisions for myself, and to be honest I didnt re altogethery care I just trilled along with whatever Jake, Kyle, and Nate indirect requested to do. Growing up in the rural area and living on a farm we natur anyy became conditioned to ears importunate to country euphony. At that time Garth Brooks was the country artist hot on the scene. I can ring watching some of his harmony videos on TV and thinking that he was the coolest guy ever. One of my greatest memories with my brothers is Garth Brooks had a live concert on TV and all of us boys decided to erect on a concert of our own.We all ran to the garage and grabbed instruments that could be used as guitars and drum sticks and then raced with the house, meanwhile ignoring moms yelling of no running in the ho use, and then confirm down stairs as fast as we could for the start of the concert. As the concert went on my brothers and I were jamming away on our actor euphonyal instruments when the song Thunder Rolls came on. I can vividly remember watching Garth Brooks walking on stage, and at the start of the song it was pouring down rain and lightning flashes were oing off everywhere and I couldnt see what I was seeing. As a kid I sat there awestruck with amazement watching his every movement believing he was in an actual thunderstorm. Seeing Garth Brooks hold outing there alcoholic wet from head to toe has left a forever range in mind that I depart ever so associate and think of when I listen to his music. Growing up as a young boy I could remember that whenever I would be in the car or somewhere near a radio station, mom would ever so nurture country music playing and I believe thats where I get my love for country music from.On the flip side with dad, he introduced me to the world rock. Great artist such as Guns N Roses, Lynyrd Skynard, and AC/DC. The song from the classic rock genre of music that has really stuck with me is throw in Bird by Lynyrd Skynard. Free Bird was my getaway song, the song that put me at ease whenever I needed to relax from the stressful life of young boy, because mom didnt pack my lunch right or I couldnt go play with my friends. As we all know, these are troubling quantify in a young boys life and Free Bird was always there to bring me back down to earth.In the short 10 to 15 years that I have been able to really comprehend what music is, there have been very some songs that have really inclined me goose bumps. Once again a country artist by the name of Toby Keith came out with a song in 2003 entitle American Soldier. As every young boy does, they think and exit argue about having the coolest dad in the world, but no, really I do. I can remember sitting in my parents bedroom deeply on Sunday nights and just wait for my s uper hero dad come walking in, in his black and green army logical with his dark as night glistening combat boots.Seeing him walk done that doorway would be the highlight of my weekend. In Toby Keiths song he describes the American Soldier by saying I cant call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong, I just work straight done the holidays and sometimes all night long, You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door, hey Im solid, hey Im steady, Im true down to the core. To me those lyrics perfectly picture what I see in my dad, so every time I hear that song I cant help but think about him and get goose bumps again.By the time high school rolled or so I had made it through my embarrassing boy band frame and found myself listening to the homogeneouss of NAS, Kanye West, Outkast, and my absolute favorite Bone Thugz N Harmony. every(prenominal) day after school let out my brother Nate and I would meet up at his green 94 Ford ranger with pins in t he hood, dents in the dumpers, and scrapes in the siding, as we headed to another day of soccer practice. While on the way we would blast our Bone Thugz and pathetically exertion to try and rap along.We used the lyrical talent of artist kindred Outkast, Kanye, and Bone Thugz to get is ready for another sweat pouring, muscle aching, dull practice. Just to turn around and to do the exact same second again the next day. For many young adults, college can be a confusing time in their lives. My first go around at college Lil Wayne was the new biggest coolest artist on the scene and rap was becoming ever more popular. Instead of flocking toward the rap music like most college kids did at the time, I moved in a different direction.A direction that you ordinarily dont find among the young college scene, and that was toward classical, opera, and piano music. Even till this day I cant pin point exactly what it is about classical, opera and piano music that intrigues me so much. I think th at part of my attraction to this style of music is that I find it very relaxing and mind calming. There have been numerous covers of Ave Maria, and my favorite would have to be done by Franz Schubert. This is where the start of my new range of music began.It wasnt until I listened to Franz Schubert singing Ave Maria that I really listened carefully and opened my eyes to the pure theology given talent and beauty of her voice and I found that immensely more satisfying to listen to instead of some social occasion that would of been created in a studio. nowadays I currently enjoy listening to musicians like Michael Buble and Norah Jones and have gained an appreciation for the artists who use their true vocal talents. Furthermore, during my first stint in college I joined the military and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2012.The life of a soldier is somewhat single and strait forward. You wake up and go to work. Whatever you want to do before and after work is up to you, so like most soldiers I used some of my free time to go to the gym and workout. Everyone has that genre of music or artist that will get them pumped up and ready, like most soldiers, I get smart up by loud, fast pace music that gets that red still inside me boiling. Through a fellow soldier I was introduced to a Swedish metal group called Volbeat, which I surprisingly enjoyed because it is the complete mated style of music that I enjoy.For the remainder of the deployment when I visited the gym, Volbeat and Avenge seven-fold served as my constant to get me through my workouts. No one knows what our futures will hold. We have no idea what kind of trials and triumphs lie awaiting us. One subject that we can bank on is music. Music is one of the very few constants that pass by from generation to generation. A world without music would be a creature that I would never like to see. When we scour the caverns of our thought some of our greatest memories are associated with music.Im a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason because it shapes the type of person we are today. The same thing applies with music. Looking back over my life, there was a phase for each type of genres of music that I listened to. In my 23 years, my musical care have ranged from country, to boy band, to rock, to classical and metal and I dont think I would be the exact way I am today without having all of those music genres in my life. In 23 years I have created so many great memories through music and I can only hope that God blesses me with another 23 years to make more memories.
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