
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Medea can be forgiven for her rage but not her calculation

Medeas fad is a result of Jasons betrayal, and with both lust and passion, it prompts her calculation- causing her to commit unimaginable crimes. Her rage is forgivable, yet her actions that follow be contemptible. Jasons betrayal is recurring throughout the novel, and as it progresses, Medeas fad worsens also. When Jason claims he has acted like a true friend to Medea and his children, Medea reacts angrily, knowing that he has acted in contrast. Jasons obliviousness to his actions and lies insults Medea, forming her resentment to develop.Although Medeas calculation doesnt add up to Jasons betrayal, he is still to blame for cosmos the cause of such frenzy. Medeas rage, passion, and desire for Jason are the origin of her actions. For Medea to suffer the mockery of her enemies was both(prenominal)thing she wouldnt tolerate. Her vindictive mind allowed her to believe that she would rather do wrong, than be ridiculed by Jason, Glauce and Creon. By killing her children, Glauce and Cr eon, Medea knew she would have her claws in Jasons heart as he deserved. These children live no more I say this to wound your heart. Medea commits these actions to hurt Jason and get revenge, yet was asleep of the extent of which they would affect her. The audience is unable to distinguish Medeas rage from her calculation as they are all a source of the uniform cause. My passion is master of my reason, passion that causes the greatest suffering in the globe. Medea knows that in order for her to pursue with murdering her children, she will have to suffer tremendously.Her habit and vigilant arrangements allows her to accomplish results which reflect on her fury and special familiarity. Although Jason is to blame for Medeas rage, the results are solely Medeas fault. We are able to sympathise with Medea to some extent, for the distress she undergoes through killing her children. Although Medea cannot be forgiven for her actions, the audience is able to scan the reasons for the rev engeful way Medea retorted. Neither Jason nor Medea can be forgiven for their actions, but condemned.

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