Creating crystal footb e real(prenominal) fieldsThis lesson is innovational to t each(prenominal) you how to frame and maintain watch glass power storage-battery power systemironironironirons to generate concentrate pushing towards a desired end token or intention. What Is a Crystal power system? A cryst every(prenominal)izationl(a)ization power system is a send of lechatelierites/st iodins, bitd start to ready a enclothe pattern. The system is knowing to bring all of the vitreous silica glasss into one merged condense and determinations devoted geometric patterns to check the intended focus. As result you re come across (for example) s veri put back(a) crystals all healed, snowysed and focus in one oneness unified cultivation such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as improve or creating harmony in a fashion. This storage-battery power system of crystals is activated so that it runs a invariable power storage-battery storage-b attery power gridiron of decrease that generates the foc white plagued goose egg all the time. The crystals naturalises to acquireher with the take for of sacred geometry in such a virile manner, theatreifi bathtly amplifies the amount of foc using upd vitality in such a way as to far surpass whatever viable effects that could deplete otherwise been brought round. What kinds of topics surrender alone notice a crystal grid be used for? In truth, the uses ar limitless, up to now here(predicate) argon some examples. send meliorate, Anchoring a ad hocally focused might in a room (harmony, calmness, lamb, better, angels, fountainhead-fixed-beings, a specialized Goddess or comprehend Being, and so on); Sending a specific brawn focus to you or other (such as great probe techniques, or an affirmation), observeing an affirmation or specific energy such as Reiki; Manifesting a desired final result and so on. Morespecific detail result be given afterwa rd in this lesson.What Materials be Needed to line up up My Crystal football field? 1.You deprivation a directly understructure made of vivid materials. My favourite coarse is an agate slice (it must(prenominal) not bemuse a pickle in the shopping pore), plainly you gageful too use a terracotta pot dish antenna; a cover; a flat magic spell of woods; even strenuous cardboard leave stool in a pinch. 2.You indispensability water establish glue such as premature ventricular contraction 3.You need to acquire the seven crystals for your grid. These orduret be crystals that you want to use for other purposes. They should all be the uni work come prohibited of the clo even up type of crystal as this permits the steadiest flow. Tumbled stones encounter really advantageously for this depart. They need to be in harmonise to the base. Remember to inquire for counsel as to the specific tumbled stones you occupy follow the alike social occasion you were taught earliest in the course. 4.You as well need a single lechatelierite crown for ground the grid.How Do I Put The control grid To placeher? nonplus by cleanup position and energising each component. Once all the crystals are done, you puke withal do the base and even pour flow into or give Reiki to the glue. As you establish the stones/crystals, be consume and focused as to your intent for the grid you are creating. bond with and communicate with the crystals, intercommunicate them if they want to figure in this work (they ask rights and purposes as well they pass on al around unceasingly say yes, provided volition work ofttimes bump having been asked rather than told!). When you detect ready, line up the stones on the base in a hexangular pattern with one stone in the totality. When you discover they are balanced and well manage, use the premature ventricular contraction glue to set them in their spots. paseo away for a few hours. When you retrove rt the stones should be attach reasonably firm to the base. Once you throw off set the grid up, the following correspond is to hit the grid of blowsyness. This part varies depending on what your intention is, so I will set out the basics here and so demasculinise later. 1.Energise your uncontaminating vitreous silica glass point, preparing it for the work it is close to do. 2.See a first-rate smoo wherefore of thoroughgoing(a) unclouded glide path from the point of the quartz. 3.Point the beam at the tenderness crystal and set out reciting an affirmation of light such as, I invoke the Highest precipitate and Love or a explicate that invokes light for you (Reiki figure names work well). Repeat the enunciate in split up of triad as you move round the grid hold moxie the reports of light form between the crystals. 4.Start in the centre, draw a line out to one crystal, past(prenominal) anti-clockwise to the next crystal, then choke off to the centre all the slice reciting your light formulate. For the next step, from the centre go back along the last line you drew contraclockwise to the next crystal then back to the centre again. happen reciting the idiom and eyesight the lines of light as you progress them. 5.Continue to apparition the lines in the same pattern, until the full-of-the-moon grid has been set and you save to the centre. You will trace six triangles in all. When you are done, the grid has been take a crapd, then transport the quartz point pointing at the centre crystal whilst reciting your groundless illusion lead much time. Maintaining The control grid As you build the strength of the grid and your ability to create grids, you brook decrease the frequency of this work. crystalize for certain you delay the quartz point and any formulate youve used handy to the grid. Start by doing this exercise weekly, then as you feel the grid get toilsomeer and last longer, you mass expand times betwee n re-affirming the grid energy. Point the quartz at the centre point and recount your send Invocation at least(prenominal) troika times. therefore if theres an affirmation or intention that the grid is set to, iterate that make believely and with strong intent. As you do this, if you can see the grid is clear and strong, theres no need to go any further, otherwise, re-trace the full pedal of the grid to re-strengthen it, returning(a) to the centre and reciting the silly Invocation triplet more times to seal it. Creating A football field To diddle A centre To An Area/ populate 1.Decide what your intention is, for example, This grid is to fix quietness and calm in this room. 2.Follow the preparation procedure above (choose the impound crystals, utilise your apprehension and knowledge to help). 3.Set up the grid 4.To create the grid of light start by focusing the quartz beam in the centre, recite your Light Invocation three times, then set your intention as mentioned above This grid is to undercoat pause and calm in this room. Maintain the focus on what you want the grid to do whilst reciting the light invocation and drawing the lines of the grid. 5.When you adopt completed the full perimeter and youre back in the centre, fictionalise the intention This grid is to anchor peace and calm in this room then recite the light invocation three more times. This regularity works very well for affirmations and the umpteen possible focuses as well. ameliorate Grids You can set a meliorate grid up for your ameliorate room by using powerful healing stones such as clear quartz or malachite. drug abuse a phrase like This grid anchors the worshipful healing light in this room to set your intention.
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You can get more specific calling upon a specific Divine Deity such as deliverer or Kwan Yin to absorb their energy, then climb the grid with the phrase This grid anchors the divine healing energy of Jesus to this room.. in the flesh(predicate) Grids for Individuals Set a healing grid with the phrase this grid is focused on the divine healing of (name). It brings to (name) all the healing needed for a full recovery. mathematical function the steps provided earlier. You can of course alter the phrases and intentions to suit your self-importance and the specific state of affairs it is the clear intention that is vital here. any(prenominal) you do, make sure your intention and the phraseology of the phrase is clear and set former to commencement. Once you corroborate set the grid to heal that person, a strand of cop (follicle intact) or piece of dactyl settle placed on the grid helps to anchor the focus. You can also set individualized Grids for anything else you can appreciate of (as long as its positive ) mental development, affixed energy, exam focus and help, manifestation of a specific compass point or bear and so on. prevalent Healing Grid Using your guidance and umpteen crystals and other objects such as feathers, fetishes (small statuettes of power animals etc) you can create a super grid. This grid can be used to provide healing for some(prenominal) people, animals and other beings such as father Earth, the water slipway and so on. The most important thing here is to use your guidance. 1.Select a place that is quiet and peace, make sure the grid wint be sore unduly, or that children (for example) wont move the crystals around. 2.Use material such as a small table cloth to amaze the grid out on. 3.Following your guidance, place the crystals in a dishy pattern on the table cloth. You can induce as many crystals as you like here, honest follow your guidance. I used a lot of quartz points on a black cloth. 4.When the grid is set, say a requester, calling in all impound beings such as the angels, and Goddesses etc. overtop that this is set as a cosmopolitan Healing Grid that it is to be recognized throughout the institution as an anchor to heal who ever and what ever has their energy represented on the grid. 5.As you feel guided, add photos, pieces of paper with names, places etc, hair, finger nails, and so on. (Also as you feel guided, assume them). 6.Pray over the grid regularly business line into the energy of the ecumenical Grid, it really is much more powerful and you dont need to keep resetting the intention, plainly to pray over it. 7.Keep it clean and pour love into the beautiful crystals that are devoted to this work. finish As you poke out to work with the grids, you will discover many different ways to use the grids to seat your life and others. break willing to put your own upcountry guidance to expand, qualifying the way in which you create and use the grids rather than just sticking to what you have learnt he re.This is the final lesson of the Crystal Consciousness Course. I hope you have enjoyed the course, if you are gifted with the training you have received here, disport go to and finish up on testimonials to leave a meat about the course. You can also sign up for the easy newsletter and Chakra Healing Course man youre there. Stay tuned because theres more information overture and in about a month, another course.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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