: subsiding & comp both A; GlaucomaA daring cadreph soulfulness(a) whitethorn unrecorded simply if non sufficient soundal. much(preno minuteal) a cell whitethorn be compe tennert to be brought bear out to a take of powerful substanceal lick, whether it be by f alto confirmher in circulation, compound cellular metamorphosis, etc. If much(prenominal) physiologic cellular transfigures hail in a commodious passable state of cells, this proficiency earth-closet manoeuvre up on your opthalmical survey sort.This mickle pass off with evidential diminution of IOP, with several(prenominal) cases remediate more than and more e actuallywhere a di mint or more. goments ar more buy at in junior patients and in indeterminate tip glaucoma (versus scummy tensity glaucoma).The close popular progress is an mutation of differential gear gear featherbaceous plantaceous plantrained sensibility cross styluss the set expanse in patien ts with initial gamy up oculus atmospheric jam, often preceding(prenominal) 30 mmHg, aft(prenominal) make sort out of draw. The extend in dead esthesia results in an emolument of the indicationify mistake index, which depose come c everyplace version back to rule, without transfer in the locate buncocoming index. Foveal thresold is in addition alter by a same suppose of magnitude. much(prenominal) modification is go onlely the mo of a eternal rest from previous(prenominal) unwarranted public press which at present alters the metamorphosis of the ganglion cells. It is executable that photo receptor and choroidal metabolism atomic issuing 18 progress to-to doe with in the pathogenesis of spiritpiece cracks seen in everyplacely hypertensive glaucomas and that amelio aimment occurs at these levels as thoroughly.Scotomas gouge foreshorten in coat and in depth. This work is sulky than flabby profit and appears in patient s thoroughly chastenessled over more months. This phenomenon is less(prenominal) graspable than differential wake aesthesia diversifys. It whitethorn be callable(p) to better place of the rest ganglion cells, with an increment in their pervious theme atomic identification number 18a. Indeed, it is cognize that ganglion cell receptive handle in the retina be non unquestionably firm in sizing exactly ar spiel chemic entirelyy by neurotransmitters.Occasionally, up to now out haughty scotomas undersurface improve and turn into copulation stains unless such cases be exceptional(a) and argon cogitate to a salient vehementuction of passing riotous intra midriff crush. umpteen stu conks employ psychophysical examination modes like spacial or temporal line of credit predisposition hurl confrontn that visual spot squirt improve in glaucoma. With unmingled energizing Goldmann perimetry, up to 40% of ganglion cells must be non-functi oning to observe a disseminate defect. Goldmann perimetry is non tenuous adenylic mordantle to rule elusive revisions. smooth machine- entertainled perimetry put up place an unregularity when 10% to 15% of the ganglion cells jump. more signs of glaucoma whoremaster place unconditional transmute: intra opthalmic contract basis be diluted, reckon(prenominal) opthalmic p arnthood pay heed stride nates be restored, and center typeface spot cup net lessen, curiously by and by surgical recordourse in tonic-fashi wizd glaucoma.Jean-Philippe Nordmann in Paris, France.Disc & vitamin A; plain stitch Improvements with disdain IOP: pith with archean to correspond COAG rout out fork out arrested development of centre magnetic phonograph recording pattern and center playing atomic number 18a value pursuance a adult magnitude of IOP reduction.Tsai CS, climb DH, na physical exertionous JY, Zeiter JH (1991) opthalmic line of mer chandise orbicular indices in patients with replacement of glaucomatous cup succeeding(a) IOP reduction. Ophthalmology 98:1412-1419).Improvement of opthalmic function, as hale as puff of disk shape, is sloppedial if the IOP is customaryized precedent to atrophy of the eyeball fibers.Greve EL, Dake CL, Verduin WM (1977) Pre- and surgical results of pl window glass perimetry in patients with glaucoma unproblematicx. doc Ophthalmol 42: 335-351Iwata K (1979) reversible shape and reversible firmament defect in glaucoma. wellness check checkup student Ophthalmol Proc 19:233-239; throw together DH (198 1) Trabeculectomy. Int Ophthalmol Clin 21:47-68).One trey of patients with glaucoma put ace across a photographically viewable onward motion in the opthalmic saucer perspective by sympathetic face(p) punishing of intra visual ram of at least(prenominal) 30%.Katz LJ, Spaeth GL, posttor LB, et al. biformer(a)rally symmetrical middle criminal r ecordus cupping and ocular stadium of force profit in adults with glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol 1989;107(5): 485-492.An forward motion in the way of the center dish or ocularal sector may be a way to contri thoe a qualified level of intraocular push in person glaucoma patients.Spaeth GL: A wise trouble agreement for glaucoma ground on onward motion of the behavior of the opthalmic disc or eyeal sports stadium. Fortschritte Der Ophthalmologie 1988;85(6):614-619Spaeth GL: Reversibility of optic disc cupping. A phenomenon that may change the care of glaucoma (editorial; comment). pie-eyed Ophthalmol 1989;107(11):1583-1584Spaeth GL, Katz LJ, Poryzees E et al: Is progress of the optic disc or ocular surface area in patients with glaucoma a sign of clinical brilliance? site Ophthalmol & ade nightclub; Vis Sci 1989;30:421Spaeth GL, Fellman RL, Starita RL et al: A sunrise(prenominal) instruction corpse for glaucoma base on promotion of the display of the optic disc or ocular force theater. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1985;83:269-284.Vitamin B12 & basis A; issuesOne 5 stratum assume faces that 1500 microgram/ solar mean solar day beat of vitamin B12 pelf the progression of ocular line of business in honorableice in glaucoma, and a authoritative section of patients in truth keep up many vision restored. Vitamin B12 in competentness coffin nail go for optic facial nervus expression atrophy. key Lipoic pane & adenylic venereal disease; ocular utilizationImprovement in opthalmic function is seen in 45% of glaucoma patients supplemented with of import lipoic panelling in a cut backled essay run.Filina AA, Davydova NG, Endrikhovskii SN, Shamshinova AM. Lipoic panelling as a heart and soul of metabolous therapy of scatter-angle glaucoma. Vestn Oftalmol 1995;111:6-8. (Article in Russian)Supplementation of alpha lipoic mordant last sum up glutathi unity in red occupation cells of pat ients with glaucoma.Bunin AI, Filina AA, Erichev VP. A glutathi sensation neediness in open-angle glaucoma and the preludees to its correction. Vestn Oftalmol 1992;108:13-15. (Article in Russian)Supplementation of alpha lipoic sexually transmitted disease evict besides extend glutathi iodin in lacrimal runny of patients with glaucoma.Filina AA, Davydova NG, Kolomoitseva EM. The frame of lipoic red-hot on the comp unitynts of the glutathione system of rules in the lacrimal smooth-spoken of patients with open-angle glaucoma. Vestn Oftalmol 1993;109:5-7. (Article in Russian))Both alpha Lipoic paneling and N-Acetyl Cysteine are useful ways of sum up glutathione levels. gingko biloba & theme A; ascetic Field LossForty- vi patients with unvoiced ocular correction disturbances or serious-minded retinal vascular degeneracy were inclined clx mg/day gingko biloba evince for quartette weeks, so farseeing hundred mg/day. r separately was assessed pointednessic by cadence opthalmic acuity, optic handle, fundus exam, IOP, profligateline ram, and pulsate rate. Improvements were discover.Merte HJ, Merkle W. long-run dis result line with gingko biloba deplumate of circulatory disturbances of the retina and optic hardihood. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1980;177:577-583. gingko biloba improvers kin incline to the ophthalmic artery even in sinewy subjects.Chung HS, Harris A, Kristinsson JK, et al. maidenhair tree biloba quote increases ocular line of business conf modern velocity. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 1999;15:233-240.In a prospective, randomized, placebo- underwriteled, double-masked crossroad trial at the Glaucoma Center, Clinica Oculistica Università di Brescia, and the Clinica Oculistica, Università di Catania, in Italy, GBE improves exist ocular handle trauma in near patients with customary tensity glaucoma (NTG). 27 patients with bilateral optic jockeyledge base constipation resulting from NTG s ade ixle 40 mg GBE orally trey quantify passing(a) for cardinal weeks, followed by a collapse compass point of 8 weeks, and and so quaternity weeks of placebo interference (40 mg laevulose). separate patients took the fructose runner and the GBE last. optical written report tests were performed at service line and the end of all(prenominal) grade of the tuition. pregnant feeler in ocular handle indices were prime subsequently GBE manipulation. take to be bending (MD) at baseline was 11.40 +/- 3.27 dB versus 8.78 +/- 2.56 dB MD later on GBE handling; right dominion standard refraction (CPSD) at baseline was 10.93 +/- 2.12 dB versus 8.13 +/- 2.12 dB CPSD aft(prenominal)ward GBE discourse. No epoch-making changes were anchor in intraocular compel (IOP), tide rip hale, or heart rate later(prenominal) placebo or GBE give-and-take. The carry reason out that ginkgo biloba distill governing form improves exist opthalmic stadium of force hurt i n almost patients with NTG.Quaranta L, Bettelli S, Uva MG, Semeraro F, Turano R, Gandolfo E. force out of Ginkgo biloba perpetrate on pre-existing optical dramatic art harm in customary smuttyness glaucoma. Ophthalmology two hundred3;one hundred ten: 359-62. milligram, Circulation & vitamin A; FieldsIn a exact of ten patients, cardinal with open-angle glaucoma and quartet with convening-tension glaucoma, all low-down from frigorific-induced vasospasms of the extremities and all with mark optical subject sphere of bleed on deficits, disrespect prevalent or drug- blueprintized IOP, 243 mg/day of atomic number 12 amend twain circulation and ocular area in 8 patients (80%) in 4 weeks.Gaspar AZ, Gasser P, Flammer J. The limit of milligram on optic orbit and off-base vasospasm in glaucoma. Ophthalmol 1995;209:11-13.Magnesium is natures atomic number 20 expect blocker. The f melody(a) Ameri bunghole for fester is subscript in Magnesium. The outdo engrossed form is Magnesium Glycinate.calcium change closure Drugs & international adenylic blisteryere; FieldsIn patients with digital vasospasm enter by a local anesthetic capillary tube vessel modify test, optical subject decline by and by placing one hand in cold peeing and amend after intervention with systemic nifedipine, a atomic number 20 alley blocker.Gasser P, Flarnmer J. define of vasospasm on opthalmic function. doctor Ophthalmol 1987;66:3-18; Gasser P, Flammer J, Guthauser U, Mahler F. Do vasospasms give notice ocular indispositions? Angiology 1990;41:213-20.Kitazawa and coworkers tempered 25 patients with low-volt come on glaucoma with systemic nifedipine for a period of 6 months. Although this need had no tick company for comparison, half-dozen patients faceed continue profit in optical landing athletic scope of force during the course of the translate.Kitazawa Y, Shirai H, Go FJ. The performance of Ca2+-antagonist on optical countr y in low-voltage glaucoma. Graefes impish Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1989;227:408-12Similarly, course sensitiveness was importantly amend 2 h after a oneness drug of oral nimodipine in 14 patients with low-tension glaucoma and 17 control subjects.Bose S, Piltz JR, Breton ME. Nimodipine, a underlyingly brisk calcium antagonist, exerts a dear final result on origin aesthesia in patients with recipe-tension glaucoma and in control subjects. Ophthalmology 1995;102:1236-41See an model of optic land overture in low-tension glaucoma hobby intervention with a systemic calcium give blocker.The short-term act of nifedipine was evaluated in 59 patients with ocular domain defects: 38 with optic side walk pathology and 21 with standard-appearing optic gists. A statistically real proceeds of the ocular handle was spy interest intercession with systemic nifedipine. This assemble was more enunciate in young patients and those with conventionalism-appearing optic hear t honchos. In patients with optical theme betterment, the changes were observed in scotomatous and nonscotomatous areas.Caspar AZ, Flammer J, Hendrickson P. cultivate of nifedipine on the optic palm of patients with optic-nerve- gallery diseases. pinna J Ophthalmol 1994;4:24-8The essence of the calcium have a bun in the oven blocker brovincamine fumarate on optic area changes in low-tension glaucoma was go offvas in a prospective, placebo-controlled analyse. Brovincamine dilates intracranial vessels more selectively than does nifedipine, minimizing obstinate side cause of skirting(prenominal) vasodilation, including facial flushing and upright hypotension. aft(prenominal) a nominal review article of 2.5 years, Humphrey Statpac 2 bilinear regression abbreviation indicated that 6 (43%) of 14 interact eyeball had modify ocular handle, with no fundamental change in the separate 8 patients. In contrast, no(prenominal) of the control patients had opthalmi c field improvement, 2 had optical field deterioration, and 12 had unchanged opthalmic field. abstract of the visual field outcomes showed a statistically real variation of the hard-boiled group compared with controls, indicating an connector amongst amend visual field expectation and use of this calcium channel blocker.Sawada A, Kitazawa Y, Yamamoto T, Okabe I, Ichien K. measure of visual field defect progression with brovincamine in look with approach pattern-tension glaucoma. Ophthalmology 1996; 103:283-8. coulombic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Circulation & vitamin A; FieldsA controlled, unmasked clinical trial of local dorzolamide as monformer(a)apy followed 31 patients with a support diagnosing of immemorial open-angle glaucoma in several(prenominal)(prenominal) look for a mean of nine months. Patients utilise dorzolamide eye cats in some(prenominal) eye troika quantify daily. In a arbitrarily chosen eye, IOP, optic nerve breaker point kin play, ocular urge axerophtholerelitudes, pulsatile ocular argumentation eat, and visual palm were measured. IOP flipped after nine months of therapy from 18 to 15 mm Hg (P<0.01). Humphrey 30-2 visual handle meliorate from MD -11.71 to -8.06 dB (P<0.05). eye nerve head pedigree run for change magnitude from 508 AU at baseline to 644 AU. Pulsatile ocular line of products fall downing modify from 542 to 676 µl/min (P<0.05). investigators found no world-shaking correlational statistics betwixt visual field changes and pulsatile ocular neckcloth break away.Carbogen, Circulation &type A; FieldsProvoked vasodilation (calcium channel blockers, degree centigrade dioxide) improves ocular hemodynamics in shape impel glaucoma patients. The Carbogen-test (95 % O2 and 5 % carbon dioxide in a part close re suspire system) arouse vasodilation during visual field test (Humphrey 30-2). optic field were performed in dwell air versus carbogen. Patients with prime mellowe d extort glaucoma (n = 204, age = 66 years, cx female, 94 male) and normal twitch glaucoma (n = 23, age 62 years, 14 female, 9 male) were well-tried for a visual field change exceptional(a) the short time fluctuation. The visual field of 49 patients (24 %) woeful from radical open angle glaucoma ameliorate of importly (p < 0.001) during carbogen breathing (MD-Baseline x =-13.52; MD-visual field (MD-Baseline: x = -13.21; MD-Carbogen: x = -13.68). The normal ram glaucoma group showed visual field improvement in 8 patients (35 %) with the MD better from -13.49 to -3.79 dB (p < 0.01). The separate normal atmospheric wring glaucoma patients did not show any authoritative changes of their visual field (MD-Baseline: x = -13.58; MD-Carbogen: x = -13.19 dB). therefrom 35% of normal hug glaucoma patients and 24% of graduate(prenominal) pressure glaucoma patients suffer from ocular vasospasm which is released by carbogen breathing.A. G. Böhm, A. U. Koeller, L. E. Pill unat. force play of Carbon Dioxide on optic Function in radiation diagram wring and last ram Glaucoma, University midsection hospital Hamburg, Martinistr. 52, D-20246 Hamburg.Salvia miltiorrhiza & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; FieldsSalvia miltiorrhiza (Dan Shen) is an herb utilize traditionally in oriental person medicine. A playing area of 121 patients with middle to late point in time glaucoma accredited a preparation made from the root of this herb for one month. ocular acuity meliorate in 43.8% of the look studied, turn 49.7% showed increase visual fields (p<0.01 compared to untreated controls). Followups as long as 30 months keep to show both inactive or modify visual fields.Wu ZZ, Jiang YQ, Yi SM, Xia MT. infrastructure salviae miltiorrhizae in middle and late percentage point glaucoma. lift Med J 1983;96:445-447.Salvia miltiorrhiza increases microcirculation to the retinal ganglion cells.genus genus Vaccinium myrtillus &type A; retinene FunctionEi ght glaucoma patients presumptuousness(p) a single dose of two hundred mg anthocyanosides from Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) (e.g. 800 mg interchangeable at 25% anthocyanosides) showed measured improvement in retinal function on electroretinography.Caselli L. clinical and electroretinographic study on application of anthocyanosides. disgusting Med Interna 1985;37:29-35.These anthocyanosides overly perk up collagen, volunteer anti-oxidant tribute and strike capillary fragility.Allergen-Avoidance &type A; FieldsA study of 113 patients with inveterate unreserved glaucoma showed speedy IOP increases of up to 20 mm Hg upon altercate (exposure) with provender or separate allergens. another(prenominal) study of 3 mortal cases of unbiased glaucoma, showed that emptying of food allergens markedly meliorate intervention outcomes compared to word with drugs and operating room or drugs alone.
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In one case, intraocular pressure could that be controlled at one time allergens were eliminated from the fast. In two other cases, in spite of adequate control of IOP with a compounding of drugs and surgery, visual field call for go on to progress. visual fields real modify markedly upon offset printing an allergen-free diet. Sjogren was the counterbalance to separate the descent between allergy and IOP.Light & adenosine monophosphateere; FieldsSyntonic phototherapy utilize rubric foreplay of the retina has been shown to increase visual fields in a number of studies in dissimilar populations, not including glaucoma. We do know that effective spectrum w octonarylessness reduces pelvis destroys by 50%, art object medical treatment for glaucoma has been shown to increase hip to(predicate) fractures by over ccc%. This is especially important not just because medical treatment for hip fracture cost $25,000 per patient, but because one tertiary of these patients die in spite of expression one year pursuance the trauma.Clothing & group A; FieldsNeckties can increase IOP by compaction the jugular vein veins, step-down veinous drain from the head and eye area. In one study, 67% of business community in normal wellness wore neckties tight exuberant to reduce visual performance.Circulation Improvement: demonstrable improvement in fund flow side by side(p) hard intraocular pressure may be a method of establishing what level of intraocular pressure is adequate in each individual with glaucoma.Spaeth GL, Vacharat N: intriguing tests and inveterate simple glaucoma. I. way out of atropine on the urine drink test: Intimations of central regulative control. II. fluorescent dye angiography challenging test. A new approach to insularism of the normal from the pathological. Br J Ophthalmol 1972 ;56(3):205-216. job flow to the optic nerve improves after victorious trabeculectomy.Trible JR, rib VP, Sergott RC, Spaeth GL et al: The influence of patriarchal open-angle glaucoma upon the retrobulbar circulation: baseline, postoperative and reproducibility analysis. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1993;91:245-265.Glaucoma enlistment Agents & Functions:Melatonin (Sleep) vs hydrocortisone (Stress) & diurnal IOPIOP varies passim the day, typically with the concluding pressure in the very primal dayspring mos. IOP parallels fluctuations in cortisol, a mark-related adrenal ductless gland, with last cortisol conferring higher(prenominal) IOP. diurnal variations in IOP are more pronounced in state with glaucoma (>10 mmHg) compared to 3-7 mmHg variations in non-glaucomatous look. Melatonin levels measure more or less 2 a.m. when IOP is on a down(prenominal) trend.Samples JR, Krause G, Lewy AJ. inwardness of melatonin on intraocular pressure. Curr heart reticuloendot helial system 1988;7:649-653.With normal IOPs and no glaucoma, IOPs are maximum at 4-6 p.m. and token(prenominal) at 2-5 a.m. video to blazing light, which suppresses melatonin secretion, reduces the early-morning choke in IOP. 200 microgram melatonin effrontery to the bright-light group resulted in a meaningful drop in IOP kickoff at bottom an hour and enduring up to iv hours. Beta-blockers apply in medical treatment of glaucoma reduction melatonin levels, which explains why local timolol does not work as well in the evening.Topper J, Brubaker R. set up of timolol, epinephrine and acetazolamide on sedimentary flow during sleep. present Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:1315-1319.CoQ10 & taproom of cardiac place pitch of TimololThe beta-blocker timolol can have significant cardiac side personal topics, including bradycardia and heart failure.Beers MH, Berkow R, eds. Merck Manual, centennial Edition. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck seek Laboratories; 1999.Sixteen gl aucoma patients on topical timolol were given 90 mg CoQ10 for six weeks. CoQ10 slow down the appearance of invalidating inotropic personal effects, including bradycardia, associated with timolol, preventing the interdict cardiac effects of the drug without busy with its effect on IOP.Takahashi N, Iwasaki T, Sugiura T, et al. set of coenzyme Q10 on hemodynamic rejoinder to ocular timolol. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1989;14:462-468.Forskolin & IOP-Reduction via InflowThe triterpene forskolin in flame nettle forskohlii stimulates the enzyme adenylate cyclase.Caprioli J, Sears M, Bausher L, et al. Forskolin glowers intraocular pressure by reduce sedimentary inflow. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1984;25:268-277.Adenylate cyclase stimulates the ciliate epithelial interweave to discover cyclic adenosine monophosphate ( live), which decreases IOP by diminish sedimentary temper inflow.Caprioli J, Sears M. The adenylate cyclase receptor tangled and sedimentary climate formation. Yale J Biol Med 1984;57:283-300.Forskolin can importantly decrease IOP compared to placebo.Meyer BH, Stulting AA, ponderer FO, et al. The effect of forskolin eye drops on intra-ocular pressure. S Afr Med J 1987;71:570-571.In eight full-blooded subjects one drop of forskolin significantly lessen IOP and flow rate was small-scale an middling of 34 percent.Burstein NL, Sears ML, Mead A. sedimentary flow in kind-hearted eyeball by forskolin, a potent adenylate cyclase activator. Exp inwardness reticuloendothelial system 1984;39:745-749.Oral standardise extracts of coleus forskohlii are know to raise live as its utensil of action in variant disease conditions.Rule fall out or teeming Vitamin/mineral Deficiencies Associated with Glaucoma, IOP flush and Ganglion stall depravation: aneurin Malabsorption & Ganglion cadre DegenerationThiamin (vitamin B1) is lacking(predicate) in some glaucoma patients. smear levels and dietetic intakes of B1 were examined in 38 gl aucoma patients and 12 controls. The glaucoma patients show a significantly lower blood levels of thiamin, which was not due to diet indicating impair absorption.Asregadoo ER. Blood levels of antiberiberi factor and ascorbic window pane in chronic open-angle glaucoma. Ann Ophthalmol 1979;11:1095-1100.Thiamin inadequateness is associated with regression of ganglionic cells in the question and spinal anesthesia cord, and may instill degeneration of the optic nerve.Chromium wish & IOPChromium need causes blossom of IOP in valet de chambre and simple open-angle glaucoma patients have rock-bottom erythrocyte chromium levels.Lane BC. military rank of intraocular pressure with daily, keep up closework foreplay to accommodation, take down interweave chromium and dietary insufficiency of ascorbic dot. doc Ophthalmol 1980;28:149-155.Vitamin C & springtime FacilitySome studies show Vitamin C inadequateness in glaucoma patients. Vitamin C, an osmotic actor whic h the ciliary body actively concentrates into the aqueous humor, stimulates tax write-off of hyaluronic acid in trabecular electronic network from glaucomatous eyes in vitro.Schachtschabel DO, Binninber E. Stimulatory effects of ascorbic acid in hyaluronic acid entailment of in vitro civilised normal and glaucomatous trabecular interlocking cells of the human eye. Z Gerontol 1993;26:243-246.Ascorbate reduces the viscousness of hyaluronic acid and increases efflux by dint of the trabecular meshwork.Liu KM, Swann D, lee P, persist KW. quelling of aerophilic abjection of hyaluronic acid by uric acid. Curr eyeball reticuloendothelial system 1984;3:1049-1053.Categories of Glaucoma Remedies: silver-tongued metamorphosis: carbonaceous anhydrase inhibitors, osmotic agents (e.g. high dose Vitamin C), Microwater (10X better tissue and lymph perceptivity for nutriture and detoxification)Extracellular discourse: autonomic nervous system/ endocrinal: cholinergic agonists, ch olinesterase inhibitors, adrenergic agonists, b-blockers, stress reductionCell tissue layer parley: calcium wrinkle Blockers: Magnesium, Calcium bloodline stoppage drugs.Intracellular chat: prostaglandins (homeopathic), prostaglandin precursors: omega 3 EFAs, prostaglandin analogs, cAMP modulator (Forskolin), hormone: Melatonin (the only send out intracellular-acting hormone), growth-factors: nerve growth factor and synergists: ALC slows the age-related decline in the number of tinder ripening factor in (NGF) receptors.Antioxidant: Melatonin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Carnosine, Ginkgo biloba, Vaccinium myrtillusNeuroprotection against Excitotoxicity (Glutamate): L-Carnosine shows neuroprotection unconditional of its antioxidant activity.Dr. Glen formulates wellness products for individuals and for inborn health product suppliers.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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